General Information

Mission Statement
The Monmouth Montessori School helps foster self-discipline and a positive self-image. The Montessori Method allows children to develop beneficial study habits, independence, leadership skills, and life-long friendships.

Skills learned at the Monmouth Montessori School help children become more cohesive members of their families. Family life will become more enriched as children develop their independence and self-discipline.

Non-discrimination Policy
The Monmouth Montessori School does not discriminate based on a person's age, gender, physical abilities, race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin. The school has no religious affiliation.

All children and staff in our school shall be respected and treated as equals. Inclusion and equal opportunity for all are important values at our school.

About Montessori
The Montessori Method was developed by Dr. Maria Montessori of Italy in the early 1900s. Dr. Montessori discovered that children thrive when they do meaningful work. Between the ages of 3-6 is a crucial time for brain development. The “age appropriate” hands-on materials in the classroom allow children to begin to learn writing, reading, early mathematics, sensory exploration, science, creative arts, practical life skills, and social skills.

About This School
Ramyakanthi Blair started the Monmouth Montessori School in 1981 and operated it until 2006. Her former student, Juliet Sloan, now runs the school according to the guidelines of the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI). Each child develops at a different speed; therefore most lessons are given individually. The teacher, called a guide, observes for readiness in children then gives lessons accordingly. Once a child is given a lesson, he may choose that work whenever he wants as long as it is available; he may work on it as long as he chooses; then he puts it away when finished.

Weather Closures
Closures and delays due to inclement weather will follow those of Central School District 13J.

It is quickest to look at their website.

If in doubt, call the Monmouth Montessori School to get more information.

Practical Matters

Arrival And Dismissal
-Before school care is from 8:00-8:30.
-Morning arrival is 8:30-8:45.
-Half-day dismissal is 11:30-11:45.

-Afternoon arrival is 11:45-12:00.
-Afternoon dismissal is 3:00-3:15.
-Upon arrival, please assist your child through the back gate. You may say goodbye at the sliding glass door where a teacher will greet your child. A quick goodbye will be most beneficial to your child, even if he/she is crying. Before entering the classroom your child will change his/her shoes and hang up coat (if relevant). Please allow your child to do this independently.
-Children will depart from the playground.
-Each time period already has a 15-minute grace period.
-Children deprived of the proper beginning miss an important part of their day. Too late an arrival tends to make children feel like “outsiders” because much has started before they arrive.
- You will be charged $5 every 15 minutes you are late picking your child up. The staff will record the time of each child’s arrival and departure.

Daily Schedule
8:00am-8:30am                       Before school care
8:30am-8:45am                       Morning arrival
8:30am-11:15am                     Morning work period: Free choice to practice lessons
11:15am-11:45am                   Playtime: Large motor activities outdoors
11:30am-11:45am                   Morning dismissal

11:45am-12:00pm                   Afternoon arrival
11:45am-12:45pm                   Lunch
12:45pm-3:00pm                    Afternoon work period: Free choice to practice lessons
2:45pm-3:15pm                      Playtime: Large motor activities outdoors
3:00pm-3:15pm                      Afternoon dismissal

Please send your child in:

  • Casual clothing
  • Clothes they can put on and take off themselves
  • Clothes that fit
  • Clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty, the children love to roll on the playground
  • We encourage you to explore your child's creativity and limit TV characters on clothing

*** All children need a complete change of clothes to be kept at the school***

Clothing that has been soiled at school will be placed in a bag with a note attached and hung on your child’s outside hook. Please replace clothing immediately.

Only all-day and afternoon children will eat lunch at school. Please send lunches in reusable lunch boxes and bags without TV characters. All foods should be sent in reusable containers that the children can open and close independently. Any uneaten food will be sent home so you are aware of what foods are eaten and in what quantity. (For this reason, yogurt must come in a reusable container.) Candy and sweets are not allowed at school. There is a microwave to warm food if needed. Filtered water will be provided daily so no need to send drinks. Please send a cloth napkin in your child’s lunch, we will provide cups, forks, spoons, knives and plates as needed.

The way your child behaves has everything to do with what you feed him/her. Please consider your child's physical and mental health when packing the lunch. The Child Care Division advises that each lunch should contain food from the following groups:

Fruits/vegetables: carrots, celery, broccoli, cauliflower,  cucumber, apples, pears, bananas, oranges, grapes, pineapple, watermelon, cantaloupe, kiwi, etc.

Grains: whole wheat bread, rice crackers, whole wheat crackers, tortillas, rice, quinoa, oatmeal, etc.

Protein: soups, tuna fish, hard-boiled eggs, rice, quinoa, chicken, nuts, chia seeds, sunflower seeds, peanut butter, nut butter, tofu, yogurt, cottage cheese, other cheeses, etc.

Please refer to Oregon Department of Education’s Child Meal Pattern for more information:

Snack will be provided for children in the mornings. This is not a substitute for a healthy breakfast. A healthy snack of crackers, a protein, and fresh organic fruits and vegetables will be provided daily by the Monmouth Montessori School. Morning class parents are responsible for paying a yearly snack fee.

Birthdays And Holidays
Birthdays are celebrated at the school as a milestone in time and indication of the child’s growth. If you wish for your child’s birthday to be celebrated, please send a picture of your child at birth and each year after, as well as a corresponding written description of landmarks your child made or experienced each year.

Lesser-known holidays will occasionally be celebrated with focus on diverse cultural and national customs. Holidays will not be celebrated out of deference to any specific religious affiliation. With regard to larger holidays, we tend not to add to the stimulation that the child is already getting outside the classroom; we enjoy providing a respite from the holiday frenzy.

Children occasionally like to bring interesting items to share with classmates. Anyone may use the “Sharing Rug” and invite up to two people at a time. It is a good idea to help your child practice what to say about the sharing. Only one sharing item each day. Please assist your child in choosing a tasteful item to share such as:

  • Natural specimens (rocks, shells, flowers, nests, animals, etc.)
  • Interesting books, especially those depicting a real-life situation
  • Items from other cultures
  • Something the child has made
  • A photo or newspaper article
  • A true story about an event or trip
  • (Toys, electronic devices and money are not allowed at school)

Illness And Absences
Children who show signs of illness should not be in school. This is for your child’s health as well as the wellness of all the other families in our school community. This particular age group is prone to spreading diseases quickly. According to State of Oregon regulations, children with any of the following symptoms are not permitted to attend school:

  • Fever of 101 degrees F. or higher
  • Vomiting on two or more occasions within the past 24 hours
  • Diarrhea- two or more watery stools in a 24 hour period
  • Draining rash
  • Eye discharge or pink eye
  • Fatigue or irritability that prevents participation in regular activities
  • Sore throat
  • Communicable disease such as head lice, scabies, etc. which require treatment

***Any child that is not well enough to play outside is not well enough to come to school***

If your child must be absent from school, please call and notify the staff or leave a message each day that your child is absent. Please advise the staff of an symptoms of illness. If you know your child will be absent in advance, send a note with the dates and the reason for the absence. The children who benefit most from the program are those who attend consistently. Please make every effort to see that your child attends regularly.

If your child becomes ill while at school, we will try to contact you immediately. If you cannot be reached, we will contact your designated alternative. In cases of extreme medical emergency, when the parent cannot be reached, the child will be taken to the nearest medical facility for treatment. We will make every effort to reach you and let you know the nature of the emergency and what actions have been taken.

If your child needs to take medicine during class hours, you must complete the medication form. Give the medication to the staff person yourself; do not send medication in with your child. Please keep us informed of any medication your child is taking at home, as there may be side effects of which the staff need to be aware.

Corrective Action
The Monmouth Montessori School does not allow the use of physical punishment or psychological abuse of children in any situation. Children are guided into specific activities if they become disruptive to the class or destructive with materials. A child may be taken aside and kept in close physical contact with the guide or assistant until the child is no longer disruptive or destructive. The children are taught techniques of conflict resolution and are assisted by adults when needed.

If a child continues to be an ongoing source of disruption or destruction, the parents will be notified. If the behavior lasts longer than two weeks after discussion with parents, then the Monmouth Montessori School reserves the right to ask that the child be removed from the school either temporarily or permanently.


Parent Folders
Parent folders are located outside the sliding glass door. Please check the folder with your child’s name on it daily. This is where you will find reminder notes, monthly newsletters, forms, some children’s work, etc. A lot of important information is shared through the monthly newsletter, so please read thoroughly.

Communication between parents and staff is crucial. If there are any questions or concerns, please address them with Beth or Juliet. It is best to call, e-mail or leave a note so as not to distract from teaching responsibilities. A good time to talk is before or after school. You may also leave notes in the "comment box". There will be parent/teacher conferences in the fall and spring. This is a time for you and your child's teacher to inform each other of the many advancements your child is making at home and at school.

Parents In The Classroom
In the Montessori classrooms, the number of adults is limited so that the children have the opportunity to try their blossoming skills of independence. It also strengthens the bonds and benefits of the mixed-age group as older children in the class assist younger children. For this reason, parent help in the classroom is limited. If you have a particular talent or skill you would like to share with the children, please schedule a time to present. There may also be opportunities to assist with field trips.

We encourage all parents (and anyone else interested) to observe in the classroom at least once a year. Once your child is able to accept your comings and goings without stress, please schedule a time to observe. Parent/child night will be held in the fall and in the spring so children can show their parents what they do while at school.

School Service Hours
Each family is responsible for contributing 10 School Service Hours each school year. Opportunities include, but are not limited to substitute teaching, volunteer in classroom with craft project, educational presentation, family helping day, run a fundraiser, help with date night, small carpentry project, clean windows etc. You have until the last day in may to provide your Service Hours. If you prefer, you can pay choose to "buy out" and pay for your hours rather than doing the work. The cost is $30 per hour, totaling $300. A Service Hour Log is kept in the Policies and Procedures Handbook in the front section. This binder lives on the shelf above the Parent Folders.
Please make your payments to the Monmouth Montessori School (MMS) on the 1st of each month. Any payments received after the 7th of each month will acquire a $10 fee. Tuition for a half-time child is $3,700 for the whole year. Tuition for a full-time child is $4,700. There is an Above and Beyond payment option for those who can offer more. Before school care is $300 for the year or $5 for drop in.

Tuition can be paid using cash, check or Venmo. Tuition can be paid in full, two equal installments, four equal installments, or ten equal installments. There will be a $25 fee for any returned checks. Tuition is not prorated for absences from the school, including vacations. A two-week notice is required prior to withdrawal during the school year. You are responsible for tuition during this time.

About The Staff
Juliet Sloan is the Directress of the school, formerly the Primary guide, and currently the guide in the Elementary (Monarch) classroom. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Education and Oregon teaching license from Linfield College, her Masters of Education with specialty in Montessori from Loyola College of Maryland, and her Montessori teaching certificates from the Montessori Northwest.

Bethany Gillaspie is the guide in the Primary (Swallowtail) classroom. She joined Monmouth Montessori in 2018 as the classroom assistant. She earned her Associate of the Arts in Early Childhood Education Chemeketa Community College and is currently working to earn her Primary Diploma at Montessori Northwest.

Tessa Baune joined Monmouth Montessori in spring of 2024. She studied Psychology at Lane Community College and  Child Education at Linn Benton Community College.

Parent Handbook