Swallowtail Class:
Our Primary class children are called the Swallowtails. Typically, children start at three years old, and stay for three years.
Children under five years old may attend one of the half-day programs:
AM - 8:30-11:30 Monday-Friday
PM - 11:45-3:00 Monday-Friday
Children over five years old may attend school full-day.
8:30AM-3:00PM Monday-Friday
Before School Care:
Available for all ages.
8:00-8:30 AM
The Monmouth Montessori School offers quality education to children from three years old through twelve years old.
The Monmouth Montessori School helps foster self-discipline and a positive self-image. This child centered program allows children to develop beneficial study habits, independence, leadership skills, and life-long friendships.
The Montessori Method was developed by Dr. Maria Montessori of Italy in the early 1900s. Dr. Montessori discovered that children thrive when they do meaningful work.
The “age appropriate” hands-on materials in the classroom allow children to learn writing, reading, mathematics, science, history, sensory exploration, creative arts, practical life skills, and social skills.
Each child has an individual education plan. The guides in the classroom help connect the children with the Montessori materials in the environment.
The multi-age classrooms give children a unique opportunity for collaboration between ages.
Monarch Class:
The Elementary class children are called the Monarchs. This classroom hosts children from six through twelve years old.
8:30AM-3:00PM Monday-Friday